Later this afternoon they say it's going to switch to sleet and freezing rain which is NOT fun. Especially if it causes us to lose power. BOO! I've got my fingers crossed.
I got up and showered, got dressed and was planning on going into work. But..then I got a text from my boss who said she tried to make it Uptown and turned around.
Brad went ahead and braved it in the JEEP but plans on staying only a few hours then coming home and working from home.
So, while he was driving Uptown Buddy and I went out to play in the snow.
Here's what it looked like early this morning.

Budster loves him some snow. He runs, digs, runs some more and repeats.

He doesn't get off the leash much when it's not a fenced in area but today was a treat. He played with a neighbor's bulldog.
They had a blast! I'm sure we'll go back outside in a few hours for some more fun.

I have a few conference calls for work and other than that I'm cleaning and cooking. Looks like the roads will be even worse tomorrow so I'm not sure what will happen with work then either. Much different from my days in TV news where you went to work no matter what because you covered the storm. I used to have the station come pick me up so I didn't have to risk wrecking my car!
More to come. Tootles!

Yippeee! I love snow!!!
Y'all have fun & stay warm. The freezing rain has started here already. Just hoping we keep power too.
the snow is on it's way to us (NJ) .. they r saying we r getting 2 storm systems - DONE with snow!!!
*kiss kiss*
~Tiptoe Butterfly~
Same weather here. The boys have had a blast just like your Budster! Enjoy your day at home!
I love a good snow day! Won't be seeing many here. :)
Brrr! Our city shuts down in only an inch of snow. Too many hills.
Thanks for the congrats on the Hawks...I didn't even watch it ;) Not a sports fan. I even told my dentist that this morning but he insisted on telling me about his daughters soccer team.
Enjoy!! Any excuse for a sudo day off work!
stay warm, we made turkey chili and cornbread...yum!
I enjoyed the snow from inside my warm house with my pj's on all day yesterday! I am not like Budster and don't care to play in the snow anymore :) The kids are loving it though. Didn't have to work until noon today either!
Isn't snow the best :)
Snow in Charlotte!! Well I'll be.. wish we could get some decent snow here in Seattle!!! Those pics make it look like so much fun, but i know it's never as fun when it wreaks havoc on the city! Stay bundled :-)
I miss snow days!!! We get hurricane days on occasion but we are almost always stuck without power in 100 degree weather and trapped in the house because of downed trees and power lines with water pouring in the windows all the while being surrounded by tornadic activity. It is just not the same as playing in the snow.
We have had snow also but thank goodness not a lot. I think snow is really pretty but I am so ready for warmer weather.
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