's one of our LAST beach weekends for 2010 AND the first annual Stephens beach trip.
Actually Stephens/Waller/Grubbs beach weekend.
The beach? Emerald Isle, NC near Camp Lejeune in Eastern North Carolina.
I copied off of Casey and Sara and wrote in the sand.

The house? AMAZING!! 10 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, pool, hot tub, pool table, ping pong, movie room and right on the beach!! We've already reserved it for the same week next year.

Nothing says the beach like cheese puffs on a beach blanket. Our niece and nephew are two cuties petuties.

SIL Robyn showing that she's ready to fight like a girl. I'll go ahead and share with everyone now that I've had a chance to talk to her.
Robyn, who is my age and the Mother of the two beautiful children above has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
It's Stage One but she will be undergoing a mastectomy and chemo in the next few weeks. Please consider donating to our Race for the Cure team in her honor if you haven't done so. Thanks to everyone who has supported us so FAR!

Lots of beach time. The boys taught Reed how to play bocci ball.

He has grown up so much. Not a baby but one of the boys now.

During the game of bocci ball we noticed a big group gathering near the water. What could it be? A fisherman caught a freaking shark!! Not just any shark.. but a BIG one!

HOLY SHARK!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but this is why people shouldn't fish on the beach.

Yep, they didn't kill it but put it back out to swim! I DID NOT go back into the water after that. At least not that day.

Instead we hit the pool at the house. Aunt Dee and Uncle Brad.
Uncle Dennis toasting my Dad -- he's a Vietnam Vet too.
Ages in our group were from 2 years old to 75-years old.

18 of us in all. I didn't get pictures of everyone but it was a fab time indeed. My MIL withe Bradster.
We were going to try and take a family photo but never got around to it.

Oh.. a highlight of the trip? I got Reed to eat salad for the first time in his life!! Mommy and Daddy were THRILLED!

Paige was styling all weekend.

Our last day we enjoyed a family cannonball contest. It was a blast!
Thanks to Aunt Becky, whom you see here, for paying for the house!! We LOVED it!!

Me with the little ones reading them Tickle Monster. CoCo suggested this book way back when. It was Paige's birthday present from us!

Ice cream while watching LSU!
After driving back in -- I unpacked and got ready for the Junior League of Charlotte's first annual LIGHTS, CAMERA, FASHION! event at Belk.
A fashion show and shopping event that raises funds for non-profits here in Charlotte.
Here's me and my co-chair, Caroline. We are the JLC's Historians.

Glad the beach trip was so much fun! Keep us posted on Robyn - hoping everything goes smoothly! She is in our thoughts and prayers. I was laughing at your comment about Brad and the JL event - Mr. ESPN would so not be there either.
How wonderful! The house at the beach was beautiful & I'm in love with it. I used to live in Jacksonville & am familiar with EI - beautiful beaches!!
Keeping your family & sister in my prayers.
I love family beach trips! Looks like a lovely end to the season. I'm headed to the beach this weekend but it will be very different. No bathing suits and lots of raincoats!
Sending sooo many good and positive thoughts Robyn's way.
Your beachy trip looked amazing!!
Awesome pics from the beach!!! That house sounds perfect. Glad y'all had a fun time.
Lots of prayers for Robyn and her family....especially those two little munchkins. My parents best friend is also fighting breast cancer right now. So scary.
Looks like a great weekend!!
Sending our love to Robyn and the whole family! Praying for her!
What a great place! And I'm sorry but I wouldn't have been back in the water that day or any other... Freaking shark! That's just crazy. The pool is just fine with me :)
Looks like a great time! I can't believe there was a shark! Scary!
I'm definitely excited about Modern Family, so hilarious!!
looks like a lot of fun u all had - the shark part is a bit scary tho :o/
two things.
1. so sorry to here about young..but glad it's early on...will be thinking about her and family!
what a cool house! prayers for your SIL!!!
who are the Grubbs?
What a great weekend!! I love renting those big houses with the family. I am not sure where you are looking in the Bahamas but check out this site... These houses are on Great Guana Cay in the Abacos. The sunrise view house is the one we got engaged and married at. This is the most fabulous island in the Bahamas. There are no cars...only golf carts. I highly recommend it.
I just had a heart attack over that shark. That is CRAZY! Looks like a fun family tradition!
Hi sweetie, looks like a fantastic beach trip! What a gorgeous house, love the pool and beach proximity! Your SIL Robyn will be in my prayers, thank you for letting us know... xox Have a great week!!
Robyn will definitely be in my prayers and I'll also be praying for a cure! Too many women fighting this battle!
Holy shark is right! That thing was big! I don't think I'd be able to get back in that water.
So glad you did Tickle Monster, it is still a favorite at our house and a wonderful gift.
Please keep us posted on your SIL, she will for sure be in our prayers and we all know that bloggie prayers work wonders!!
Adam would laugh at me if I asked him to go to an event like that. I can't imagine a husband wanting too!
Jealous of the beach trip. Looks like a blast!
Glad you got some pics with Robyn! Thinking & praying for their fam. Their mighty cute fam! Love the pic with Aunt Dee and Uncle Brad :)
What a FUN time!! Looks like a blast! Minus the shark!!! I would have punched that fisherman in the face. While he was fishing. Idiot.
P.s. Lovin your hat (as always!)
What a fun beach trip with the fam. I'm so envious ~ it's going to dip into the 30s tonight!
Good heaven's! You have been a busy bee :) That beach house is AMAZING, and it looks like you had the most lovely time. Except for the shark. Who would put a shark back? Well, I guess there isn't much else to do with it? I'd have stayed out of the water after seeing that. Eeekkksss!
Can't get over the shark thing. Love the sand picture!
Praying for your friend.....keep on keeping her strong! I know you're a great help.
Vietnam vet......awesome. He's precious.
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