Yes, another chance to show a wedding picture many of you have not seen. This is after we signed our marriage license in our ‘holding’ room.
This time next week we will have officially been married ‘5 months’. WOOHOO!!
In honor of that today’s topic has to do with the ‘stuff’ I have left over after the wedding. As many of you have already read – I donated my dress to a breast cancer charity so I don’t have to worry about storing it anywhere. BUT..I took a look into one our guest bedroom closets the other day and was disgusted.
Unorganized and two big bags and a box of wedding ‘stuff’ in there. It looks like HOLY HELL! You know – the unity candles and holders, the guest book, the place card holders, the cake knife set, the garter, etc..etc…
I gave both parents their wedding pictures that I had framed and I’ve been working on putting all the cards we received into scrapbooks so both of those things are done.
What in the world am I going to do with all this other junk? Being the ‘throw away’ artist that I tend to be – I would love to toss it? But.. I know I would regret it.
I’ve thought of maybe getting a trunk/hope chest(is that what they call them?) and putting the items and other keepsakes in there? I’m sure Brad will ‘LOVE’ that idea. LOL!
Not sure where I would even put it.
Ideas??? Suggestions??

LOVE the idea of the chest. My mother had one, which I now have, that literally contains all our of first's, artwork, her old love notes and such from her own younger days, pictures galore and more! I plan to get something one of these days myself for the very same things! Right now they are in crates in my garage taking up more space than they should!
Don't throw your stuff away, do a chest and you'll love looking back on it all one day!
I didn't realize I was so much like you Dee. Your line "Being the ‘throw away’ artist that I tend to be" describes me to a tee! I have a container up in the closet with some stuff but I didn't save everything. It takes up too much room!
Oh my gosh - my wedding dress is still hanging over the back of a chair in our entry way. Almost 2 years after the fact. Sigh.
I saved EVERYTHING, and it's in a storage box. I just can't bring myself to get rid of any of it. I even have copies of emails printed out in there. I say save it! You'll want it some day!
It's still too new...just organize it a bit, and hang onto it a little longer. After a year go back and take a look and rethink. If your unity candle isn't too flashy then just use it! There is no sense in saving a candle if you aren't going to burn it. Put it next to the tub and burn baby BURN! Ha!
I kept a few cards that had hand written things in it...some I just cut out of the card. In my wedding album I had an envelope that I put them all in.
Over time it will be easier to let things go...but don't unless you are 100% sure!!
I love the chest idea. But like you, I toss stuff and honestly, I have never regretted it.
Not yet anyway.
I kept the important stuff in a bin in the basement. More for future babies and current babies than for me. The girls' vows, place cards--the junky stuff I tossed. And my garter? Whoever caught it took it home. Which is why I bought a $2 hobby lobby one :)
I like Carrie's idea- save for now, check again later.
I still need to post about our wedding! Holy crap!
I tossed almost everything unless it was a family heirloom, of course. My dress is still hanging in my parents cedar closet, but I think I'm about to get rid of it. I like your idea of donating it!
I would just save the stuff that you think your children may be interested in using for their wedding and toss everything else. If you had specific champagne flutes or a candle that was special...whatever.
I kept a few things and they are in a container on the shelf of my closet. Just take a good picture of the stuff you throw away first. I have been throwing everything away the past few weeks!!
I have all of my left overs in a rubbermaid bin in a closet. I should throw it away...it has been three years after all. I made scrapbooks with photos and cards and even designed out guest book to include photos. But I still have about 10 formal invitations still in the box they came in and left over favors.
happy 5 months!!
the chest is a great idea I think
I got one of those large plastic rubbermaid bins that go under the bed and allowed myself to only keep what fit in there...the rest got tossed or sent to Goodwill.
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