First things first:
* I hit a bird on the way into work this morning and it still has me FREAKED out! I saw it and almost wrecked but didn't think I actually hit it until I got off on my exit and could see its wings in the grill on my JEEP.
I took it in to an auto shop here in downtown to get it out. They called me a few minutes ago to say the bird was still half alive! THAT REALLY freaks me out. I can't imagine having tried to get it out on my own.
* Twitter -- I'm really getting into it. I'm following celebrities and it's sorta interesting. Plus, by checking it on your phone you can keep up on current events if you follow CNN, etc.
* John Mayer and Train concert -- we went Friday night and it was a good time and good show. Train was amazing and sound just like they do in their recordings and John Mayer rocked it out too. Interesting part of John's show? He played with a different guitar for every song?
I wonder if he does this for charity? A very laid back show with tons of teeny boppers and families.

I didn't take a lot of pictures because John was on stage after dark and my camera sucks for night pictures.

Saturday morning we got up and headed to the beach for a long weekend. Oak Island, south of Wilmington, NC to be exact.
One of our first sightings after finding our spot on the beach? This cart.... Brad is convinced this is the perfect business for a college kid.
What do you think? I bet they make good money?

While the slushi cart had Brad intrigued I was caught up with the current fascination with these silly bands.
I never even heard of them until I had a few executives here at work that had them on. Is this a new thing? The new jelly bands of the 80's?
Everyone had them on. I was tempted to give in but seriously? I don't have kids and I would just look stupid.

We enjoyed dinner on the sound...

Where I spotted some gators. HAHA! Not really.. but I thought since my last post was on gators it would be funny.

Fun! I would love to see John M. and Train!
Seagulls, I'm laughing picturing an attempt attack.
Silly bands. Both my kids have them. A bag full of them.
too bad it's not a beer cart! poor bird
Uhh you've seen adults wearing silly bands? Both girls have & love them, a new craze for sure, but I've never heard of any adults wearing them!! That's weird.
Poor bird! I would totally freak, too. I almost wrecked to avoid a bunny one time. I'm so scared of hitting animals! Keep us posted on what happened with the bird! Did they get it out??
I really want to wear silly bandz...but I can't find them anywhere. I ran over an opossum once and went airborne. It was huge. I just kept going. I did not want to look back. I hate killing critters...unless they invade my home. Then I will not hesitate to take them out. I have never seen a seagull go after someone. That is madness! I did have a monkey steal my toast from me in Africa though. I was terrified.
The bird story is hysterical. It is like a nightmare!
I think those cart pushers look miserable!!! That cart looks heavy and it is usually so HOT!
Sorry about the bird...
My boys are actually on the downward slope of the silly bandz craze. Lots of their allowance has been wasted on those.
Poor bird. Animals have been known to cause MAJOR accidents. Glad not the case for you!
I've never seen an adult wearing those bands...but the kids are nuts about them. All over the place! Reminds me of friendship beads. ha!
Seagulls + Sara = Disaster. I hate them. They stole my cheetos off my plate in Port Aransas a couple of years ago and I still haven't forgiven the entire species. Not to mention...I've been pooped on TWICE by seagulls. Trey says they smell my fear and hatred of their kind.
Glad the beach was fun!! And the concert. Love outdoor concerts!
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