It's something I got from this very cool couple that I worked with in Las Vegas. I'll never forget Kim telling me about it.
I was hanging out with her one night when hubby was out of town and she was telling me about another couple she knows and this is how the conversation went:
Kim: Yeh..she broke the "pact."
Dee: What do you mean? What's 'the pact"??
Kim: You know - she got fat. Me and hubby have a pact that we will never get fat. We had the discussion before we got married and decided that we would always make staying lean and being fit a priority.
Dee: Oh WOW!! that's awesome!! I'll be sure to have that same talk with my future husband.
Well, I'm happy to say that I DID have that talk with hubby and that's why I am starting the cabbage soup diet on Sunday. I've done this before and it works. Read about it here.
No wine, no cheese, no crackers. It's DETOX time and time to make sure I'm honoring our pact!

Good luck! I have to start all over again on Sunday myself because I blew my diet mid-week. Damn it...
I like that pact though :)
While I understand wanting to be healthy, shouldn't you love your partner even if they gain or lose weight? Or maybe that's just my single self being idealistic?
I hope that you're doing the diet so you feel good, and make sure you're keeping healthy the whole time!
I'm probably doing it more for myself. BUT..we really try and motivate each other. Heart and diabetes problems on both sides of the family so we sure don't want it to get out of hand!
That's great - Mr. ESPN and I have a competition about going to the gym - if he goes I have to go and vice versa. Can't wait to tell him about the pact.
are you really doing it? i want to but i am afraid! wanna start together?
What happens if you have a baby and get fat and it takes you a long time to lose the weight??? is there an amendment :)
I really hope I never get fat but if I do Dave better love every inch of me!
what is this Cabbage soup diet you speak of?! Off to google!
good luck girlie!!
Cabbage soup diet - BARF. BARF. BARF.
My roommate did it in college and to this day, I CANNOT stand the smell of cooked cabbage. Nor eat it.
Good luck!
I like it, too! Well done, Dee. Keep up the great work!
I think the pact is a good plan. I guess Ryan and I have a similar pact mostly of out of hopes of staying healthy. You can do it, Dee!
Dee, I did your cabbage soup diet last summer. I was a huge b*^(& during that 10 days but lost like 4lbs (which is a LOT on a short person). Then, I went to a 4th of July party and gained it all back in one day. BUT, good luck. May the force be with you! I know I really looked forward to the day where you can eat beef.
you're so funny! i remember that last summer when you did it before a wedding or much did you loose? i need a jump start.
Why am I just now reading this?
The pact is hilarious.
I too did the Cabbage Soup diet in college but I didn't lose a thing, probably because I ate queso at 3 am. But unlike Sara, I love the soup even not on a diet.
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