I thought I would continue to give a wedding recap this week since there is so much left to tell. I will start with a few funny moments from the wedding weekend. One which I had to die when I heard about it afterwards.
· Party in the Groom’s suite – Brad and I had talked about the night before the wedding and how we wouldn’t go balls to the wall with partying. I stuck to the agreement but Brad did not. No Big.. it’s all good. He was fine wedding day. BUT.. I had to laugh when he told me they stayed up till 3am partying in his suite and one or two guys even wanted to get strippers! WTH?? Brad shot that idea down but I had to think to myself. What if they had, and some of our family saw them coming in??! Too funny!
· Dee’s got the microphone – As you could probably tell by our the pictures we had a good time. At the end of the night(and several cocktails later) I grabbed the microphone and told everyone to go to this Irish bar down the street where the party would continue. NOT!! Brad and I went upstairs to change and never came back down. Instead we ordered Papa John’s since we didn’t eat anything at reception!
· Will you take this woman to be your husband?? – yes, you read that right. It was the light and funny moment of our ceremony, aside from Brad saying OH SNAP three times.
When reading the vows the Chaplain asked Brad if he would take me to be his husband. Brad looked at him and me and said… “Wait! Don’t you mean wife!” Everyone DIED laughing including us.
Of course, having such an awesome photographer he caught both the audience’s reaction and ours. Here are the pictures to prove it. Click on them to see better reactions. Hope I made you smile today.

Love the wink!

That is too funny! But, that's what makes the memories soooo much better....especially when you look back years from now. You'll still be cracking up about these moments.
Trey and I did the same thing after our wedding. We got married at 5pm, so the reception was over by 10.30. We told everyone to meet us at a bar and then totally pooped out on everyone. I wish we would've thought to order Papa John's though!! :)
Loving all of the recaps!
Too funny! I love hearing these stories!
Sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you both had such a beautiful day!
Please tell me you got "oh snap" on video! Too funny!!
I love that you went back to order pizza while everyone else was partying. We ate before anyone else at our wedding. We knew it was the only way to do it. I know everyone else was out partying all night too. But we were sound asleep by 10pm.
that was a good laugh! glad you got to enjoy a weekend at home. all the pics are great!
Brad + Oh SNAP still has me laughing!!
Tony and I have already agreed to not go nuts on the partying. But. honestly, I can't make any promises.
Loving the details and all the pictures! The back of your hair is gorgeous!
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