He's the greatest ever because he's so thoughtful, caring and sweet. Can't you tell?

He's the best because he's the best Uncle ever.

He can cook! A girl likes that!

He's a T-O-N of F-U-N! and yes, he likes to dance! Especially after a few beers.

He's the best because he's learned to like wine just about as much as me. BTW --He's a red guy.

Most of all -- he's the best - because he's about as adventurous and energetic as I am. No LAZY here! Can't deal with that..
So Happy Birthday MY love! Hope it's a great one.
In other news.. We found someone to marry us!!! The US Army Chaplain from the USA Reserve here in Charlotte.
He's a real-life war hero too. Click on his picture below to read his story.

This is really cool for me because as you all most know I'm a big supporter of our Troops. They really hold a special place in my heart which is one main reason I volunteer with the USO.
My Dad, who's retired Army, made the call to him and Brad and I will meet with him this next week. Well, TATA for now.
OH... have to let you know that I'm betraying my SEC roots and cheering for the LONGHORNS tonight!
Hookem Horns! BEAT the crap out of BAMA and Saban!

Happy Birthday Brad! He sounds like quite a guy...lucky you! : )
Happy Birthday future hubs!
I love that he's so adventurous, too. Blake and I are a perfect match in that regard. Well, they're usually my ideas, but he's up for anything.
I'm glad you found someone to marry you, too. Looks like a great guy.
Happy Birthday Brad!
That picture of the food looks so good - my tummy is grumbling now!
Hope Brad has a great birthday! Awesome that you found a real hero to marry you. Gotta love dad's and their connections!
Happy Bday to the hubby to be!
And yeah on finding someone to marry you guys, sounds perfect!
Happy Birthday to the Bradster! Yall are a perfect match :)
Happy Birthday Brad! Loved this post!
Hook 'em, really?? Roll Tide!! (Oh god, did I just say that?!)
Happy Birthday to your future Hubby :)
He seems like a really fun loving guy!
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