#1. Someone to marry us. Turns out after all that our friend Dean can't do it. They have to be a NC resident. HMMMM.. wonder why in the hell the 3x's I called them before no one ever told me that?
#2. Registry. Turns out half the things I had on there turned up as backorder. Also, my friend is urging me to add more items! I feel weird since we really don't need that much?! And.. why..oh..why.. can't you register for pet stuff on some these stupid sites!?? The Buddy needs a new monogrammed bed!
#3. Programs. Trying to create it myself and save money but sure wish one of my graphic design buddies would help out??
#4. Honeymoon. Everyone keeps asking us where we are going but the fact is. WE HAVE NO CLUE!
We won't take it until the Spring and we've both decided that going anywhere for an entire week would be boring. Yes, I said it and most of you probably think we're weird. We just like to be on the go and see and do and to be in one spot for a week to 10-days would be too much.
We're sorta leaning on taking 2 vacays for a honeymoon. Maybe a cruise and then a trip out West to ski or who knows what? Napa again?..except Sonoma this go round. Don't think we haven't talked about it. LOL!
#5. Bridal pictures. Some of you blogging friends have seen them. I totally love them but am now torn on which one to pick to have on display at the reception?! I'm leaning towards picking 3 and having them matted into one big frame?
And for all of you who did see my pictures that I didn't post here would probably agree that it's a good thing I didn't pick one of these wedding dresses that I tried on.
This one is not flattering AT ALL!

And this one? A little too 'preppy' for me.

Good luck with everything...it will all turn out!
I say go where you want, when you want. I really want to go to Napa/Sonoma with Mr. Potts - perhaps that could be a 35 for 35 big present?
Loved J. Majors - they were such a pretty shop to go to. :)
Go on etsy and have someone do your programs.
Email me and I will send you the link to the girl who does my invites and christmas cards. You can buy the jpeg and then take it to Kinkos or a local print shop and have as many made as you need.
She's good.
Register for a buttload of towels, bathmats and sheets. Seriously. AND lots of pretty serving pieces. Trust me on this one.
Costa Rica for the honeymoon. I have never been but my cousin who is an international flight attendant and can fly ANYWHERE in the world for free and has been EVERYWHERE, prefers Costa Rica to anywhere in the world. And it is becoming quit trendy, so do it now before it gets too expensive.
I'm a bossy one huh? HA!
I like Coco's suggestions. If you get the e-mail of the girl who does her invites, can you send it to me too - I would love to use her.
I've heard the same thing about CR, it's suppose to be amazing! Or Mexico is always a great vaca spot and not too expensive.
Good luck!
You need to choose your Honeymoon!!! Most hotel sites let you register for honeymoon stuff like pay for a night's stay, breakfast in bed, a day excursion, or dinner. That will add to your registry. I had a friend do that for the Marriott in Maui and I think she got everything she registered for. And you crack me up with not wanting to go somewhere for a week. I went to Africa for 3 weeks on my Honeymoon and it was not long enough. I am researching vacations now. And just so you know Hilton just opened a fabulous resort in Maldives that is to die for. I know it is a little far but you must check it out on Hilton.com under new resorts. I must go there!!! I don't even really know where Maldives is but still...I must go there!!
Just stopped by from Coco's blog. Congrats on getting married!! I totally agree with Coco on the Costa Rica decision. My hubby and I went 2 years ago and absolutely adored it. You are welcome to email me (sara@uequip.com) and I can give you some hotel suggestions and places to go and eat. We have several friends that live in CR. Good luck with the rest of your planning and happy new year!
Costa Rica was/is by far our favorite vacay. It's right up ya'lls alley. Very active and outdoorsy. We went to rainforests, we did some waterfall rapelling, volcanoes were super cool, saw monkeys and parrots in the wild.
go to tabalcon resort...hot springs...awesome!
We still don't know where we're going either. It's Tony's job, so hopefully he's getting it done. I told him he's welcome to surprise me, but I don't know if he can wait that long. I agree on being on the go--I CAN'T relax for too many days at a time. I get cranky and antsy and drive him nuts. He learned the hard way. That's why Greece was perfect. Have you looked at Europe at all? It can get a little pricy, but we thought about staying a few different places in France. I'll let you know if he decides anything!
HAve not registered yet, but I'm afraid. I've heard major horror stories.
We still need a DJ and a cake! SHIT. Those are my job.
Good luck, DEE!!! I can't believe it's so close!!
no clue how you would ever pick just ONE of those portraits-- go with three for sure :)
I like the preppy one. :)
Costa Rica does sound good, but I like the idea of 2 as well. We've skied Park City and loved it and of course, all over Colorado.
Blake and I went to Puerto Rico last summer and LOVED it.
I like the preppy one too!
As for your honeymoon I have to tell you about mine a few years back. Edgar and I had no idea what or where we were going. As it turned out one of our best gifts was--you guessed it--a honeymoon--all expenses paid at a B&B up the coast. It was one of the best trips we ever took (a couple months after the big day).
I can't wait to see the dress you actually got! You will be beautiful! The day will be here before you know it. We're going to Disney World for our honeymoon!
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