Summertime is here!
Before the week gets away from me I thought I would post about our Memorial Day weekend at the lake house.
Nephew Reed's birthday always falls around Memorial Day and this year he brought some friends with him to enjoy the weekend.
These kids were truly amazing!
I'm not one to go on about other people's kids but I was astonished at just how well behaved and mannered they were not to mention mature!
They had a blast riding around in the boat, swimming, tubing, a few of them even tried to ski!
The kid's parents, who are also friends with my BIL and SIL, joined in on the weekend fun.
Darrell got his ski on!
His wife, Tess, took all of these amazing pictures in this post and is letting me use them.
She, unlike me, has a big fancy camera and did a great job!
While Darrell skied, my husband lounged.
I swear, this is Brad's total happy place.
A few more photos from the weekend.
We are so lucky to have such a beautiful, fun place to escape to on the weekends.
Now, if I can only get my parents to retire in the mountains!
After fun on the water, we got ready to celebrate Reed's 6th birthday starting with a tongue tattoo.
Never had seen them before.
Never had seen them before.
The kids thought they were great.
Then, onto gifts.
Little man got tons of Spider man gear.
There was even a Spider man pinata.
Who knew you don't have to beat pinatas anymore?
You just pull strings.
Seems like it takes all the fun out of it.
Reed had a fabulous birthday.
As we all had a fabulous weekend!
We ended it with what is becoming our annual Stephens family Memorial Day photo.
And, homemade pizzas by Uncle Brad!
How was your Memorial Day?

Great kids!
I love your blue and red dress. Darling. You look fabulous!
Yes, lake and mountains. Make it happen!
and next year you will add to the family photo :) LOoks like so much fun. I was about to say- the lake is already warm enough...but then remembered you are south :)
Makes me miss the lakehouse! You do look great!
Please invite me! I'll babysit next year.
This looks like SUCH a fun time! I haven't been on the water yet and I'm dying to go SOMEWHERE where I can relax like that. Whether it's the beach or the lake.
Love Brad's happy place!
Love that picture of Brad! Ha!
Where is this? It looks so perfect. And I love your first photos as a pregnant gal. :) It is hard to read sometimes, but I'm still going to follow you. :) So excited for you.
Looks like so much fun!!! Great pics!
awe looks like u had a BLAST!!!! - we did too, it was everything and more! ((ps my boyfriend has a house upstate on a lake, i can't go in it tho, there's something about a lake that scares me))
What a great weekend. Love you in that dress.
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