Happy freezing, cold Sunday!
Ugh, I'm not sure about the rest of you here on the East Coast but I am SO over this weather!
The start of Spring may have been last week but it still feels like Winter around here.
Granted, it was in the mid to high 70's last week but this weekend the high has been 50.
Because of this crazy weather I've been fighting the onset of a cold.
I've been eating ZiCam like it's candy and today I've stayed in and drank Thera Flu like it's water.
Knock on wood, but Shelby hasn't gotten sick.
Sure hope it stays that way.
Girlfriend is so happy all the time it really blows my mind.
I think she has been happier since she started nursery school.
I know it sounds weird, but I think she was getting bored staying home with me all the time.
They say she loves being around the other babies.
Her teacher told me that she's great doing tummy time when all the other kids are down there doing it with her, but if she's by herself she goes bezerk!
I'm thinking she's going to be a social butterfly like her Mom.
We treasure our time with her after work.
Playing with her.
Watching her smile and laugh.
And, grow.
She's getting stronger and able to sit her Bumbo for periods of time.
She still has a way to go in being able to sit up on her own though and she has yet to roll over.
I finally found a mall with a Easter bunny this weekend.
She wasn't scared at all but she wasn't enthused either!
At least she was looking at the camera!!
And, why do Easter bunnies have to look so darn creepy?!
We're ready for Easter!!
Shelby's dress finally came in a few weeks ago and because I ordered it so long ago I was worried it wouldn't fit but it does!
We're going to my parents house this weekend to celebrate the holiday and I hope to get some good pictures as a family with all of us dressed up.
Aside from visiting with the Easter bunny our Saturday included a play date with our neighbors and their son, Parker, who was born 10-days before Shelby.
Me and Parker's mom were actually due on the same day but she went early and I was late.
We were so excited to get pictures of them together!
Cute couple or what??!
I really like this one of them looking at each other.
Parker's mom, Ashley and I walked a lot when I was on leave.
We hope to get together with them more and more!
The big plan today was for all of us to go out to my BIL and SIL's house and have a sort of 'early' Easter with Brad's parents.
I started feeling worse overnight though and decided I should skip and stay home and rest to try and get well.
So, Shelby and Daddy went on their own!
How cute is this?
And, this?
Shelby's first Easter basket.
Brad's parents got her some cute stuff including books, candy, a stuffed bunny and 2 cute outfits.
Including this one!
Precious or what?
I just hope the weather warms up soon so she can start wearing some of her cute Spring/Summer clothes!!
That's all I have for today.
Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend!!

So cute. She does smile all the time. Cute, Cute.
She is so sweet and that smile is precious! Hope you feel better!!
Shelby is sooo cute! And she didn't even cry with that creepy bunny, I'm impressed :)
{love jenny xoxo}
Hope you are feeling better soon! Shelby is so cute - I say it every time but she just keep getting cuter and cuter!!
I bought my new nephew (arriving in August) the same cable knit sleeper. Love it!
Feel better!
what is this sweater sack thing she has on?? That is ADORABLE!!
Look at that sweet dress, and I love that sweater piece she's wearing. She is just so dang cute...and that smile melts your heart. Hope you have a great week!!
Um please stop it with that cable knit outfit! So stinkin cute (and comfy!). My parents are in DC and my mom was complaining so much today about the snow they got. I think all the east coast is ready for spring!
She is so, so cute!!
Such cute photos!
Dying over that yellow blanket thing she's wearing--omg! I hope you're feeling better. Glad Shelby hasn't gotten sick so far!
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