Saturday, February 28, 2009

Grocery Shopping and the Recession

As we all know groceries have gotten really expensive these days and because of that I try to do some shopping at the discount bulk stores like Sam's to save some $$$.
Today was one of my Sam's run days - so I headed in and grabbed the basic stuff I always buy - a bag of chicken breasts, salmon, some veggies, some laundry detergent and a few other items. When I got to the check-out my bill was $86.
At first I thought -- WOW! that sure adds up quick! Then, I started thinking about if had gone to a regular grocery store - such as Harris Teeter. Maybe the total isn't that bad?
What do you all think? How are you saving on groceries?


starnes family said...

I'm a big believer in generics - Target's mostly b/c I know they're good. Some things, I will not buy - mac n' cheese being one of them. Tried it and it's not the same.

But, cereals, milk, cheese, bread, etc.....unless there is a name brand that I love, generics save us money. And, kids don't know! We're feeding 3 children in this house and also have 2 in you can imagine how costly our grocery trips can be!

I'm careful about Costco b/c their bulk items are not always a better deal than a regular grocery store. I'm the nerd in the aisle calculating out "per item" in both stores.....and you'd be surprised at the difference. They all vary, though, so no formula available that I know of. I just go to both stores for certain items and know I'm saving in that regard.

Tammy said...

We have a family of 6 to feed, and we only get paid once a month, so we have found that stocking up for the month at Sam's on the basics not only saves us money by buying in bulk, but it also keeps us away from the stores b/c I swear a hundred bucks falls out of my purse everytime I got to Target or Walmart. The trick at Sam's is to only buy the basics, meat, cheese, chicken breasts, kids' lunches stuff, etc. not the fun stuff!

The Lenzers said...

It adds up fast at sams/costco but you save in the long run. we cut coupons, buy store brand, and eat the basics these days-a lot of grilled chicken breast (nuggets for the kids)and frozen vegies (fresh is too expensive now)--no more fancy dinners for us.