Monday, August 5, 2013

Shelby Meets Great Aunts and Uncle

It's no secret around here that Brad and I both are very family oriented. 
We love our families and are so lucky to live near them.
This past weekend was very special because Shelby got to meet her two Great Aunts and her Great Uncle!

They all drove down to my in-laws lake house from Southwest Virginia.
Shelby was able to get a little bit of playtime in before they arrived!
Needing a nap, she wasn't so sure when they first got there.
'Hello, Uncle Dennis!'
Then she took a nap and was in a better mood and was excited to meet her Great Aunts Becky and Barbara!
Later on we decided to enjoy the nice weather and hit the lake!
It was a fun filled day that ended with Uncle Dennis and Aunt Barbara giving Shelby all the coins from the year she was born.
Along with a family dinner.
Then Sunday, out for another boat ride before heading home.

I swear, this past weekend was by far the nicest weekend we've had all Summer when it comes to weather.
Not a drop of rain!! 
Can I get a WOOHOO??!!
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend too.


  1. Girl, I am so behind on blogging and catching up with all the fun happenings. I need to scroll through and see what' you've been doing! Miss Shelby is looking cute as always, and love her in that bikini. :) So jealous of your time on the water!!

  2. I usually don't comment on blogs, but Shelby is just toooo cute! Beautiful family all around!!

  3. Family is so important! I'd much rather spent time with family than friends. I'm so glad Shelby is getting to meet so many family members!

  4. Shelby needs to be in modeling, Dee. She is so camera friendly and always happy. :)

  5. Dee she is SO gorgeous!! And how lucky of her to have all that family around. I only had my immediate family growing up because all my relatives live on the east coast. And I can see now watching my mom and my nephew than I missed out on some awesome connections.

  6. I love her bald little head!

  7. How fun, you're always out doing such fun things! Have you used your camper at all this summer?

    As for Shelby...specific request. I would like all the outfits seen in this blog post. :-) And her face, does this child ever cry?!? She's always so happy! :-)
