Thursday, August 8, 2013

Life has Truly Changed

Life as we knew it with an infant is over!
Shelby is on the go and moving out!
Her speed of crawling seemed to happen overnight!
And now??
She's starting to pull up!
Her teacher at school told Brad she will be an early walker.
Gosh....we are in for it!
Check out this video from last night.
This weekend will be spent installing baby gates and trying to find a new spot for Buddy's bowls so Shelby doesn't always make a beeline for them. I wish we had a walk in pantry to put them in but we don't. Ideas?? I'll be sure to update you on our baby proofing! Until then Happy Thursday!


  1. What a big girl!! Can't believe how fast time flies!!

  2. Dee...So happy to be back in the blogging world and catching up on everything. Shelby is gorgeous!!

  3. What a darling girl! And Buddy looks cute as well.

  4. So fun! Now she'll get to show off all her fabulous clothes when she walks around!

  5. I seriously cannot get enough of her!!

  6. She is so adorable! She's so fast!!!

  7. OMG i've been 'away' from blogging for so long - i missed out on her - she's TOOOOO precious! - enjoy every second of it!!!!

  8. Based on that last pic, it looks like you have an island. We just gated either side of the island and kept the dog bowls in the kitchen. The only real baby proofing we did was outlet covers. We actually took the baby gates down because they were more of a nuisance. One of us always has an eye on her, so if she opens the cabinets where the cleaning supplies are, we tell her no no and to close it and she does.

  9. YEP! Katelyn is ready to walk all she wants to do is stand and pull up on everything 24 7! My guess is she will be walking before her 1st bday like I did. Shelby will too!

  10. That video is great. She's learning no .

  11. Go Shelby!! For us, the transition to crawling was a lot harder than to walking- I don't know if you remember but at 6 months, Anika crawled to the top of the basement stairs and the door wasn't fully closed and she fell down them :( Worse memory ever. By the time she was walking at 9 months, we were used to the movement and to be honest- I was happy because getting her hands off dirty public floors was a relief!! Especially since that happened in time for ski season and we were in so many dirty ski lodges!

  12. oh and for the dog dishes- Anika went right to them, naturally. We spent 10 days of redirecting her every time she went to them- Just picked her up and brought her to her toys and said "That is Piri's waster dish"...didn't think it was fair to Piri to make yet ANOTHER change for her, so after those 10 days at 6 months, she hasn't touched them again!! My friend put a gate up to the kitchen and at 3 the gates are STILL Up because they never just taught him no. I would rather spend the days teaching her not to, then to deal with gates, but that's just me and my advice, since you asked for ideas :)

  13. We're there too. He'll be walking any day now. Actually, I've been saying that for over a month. He's fast!
    WE did the baby gate to the bowls. It was also good if we ever had to put the dog on the other side too.

  14. We're there too. He'll be walking any day now. Actually, I've been saying that for over a month. He's fast!
    WE did the baby gate to the bowls. It was also good if we ever had to put the dog on the other side too.

  15. O the epic battle between dog food and babies... I swear poor Frankie just didnt eat for a few months because Id put his bowls in the closet with intention to take them out when the kids were sleeping..and then would forget. Good luck!

  16. Things will NEVER be the same! ;-) I will cherish the immobility this time around. May not encourage the mobility! Ha!
