Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thoughts and Random Pics Thursday

This week has been busy, to say the least.
Not the best at times either.
Sobering news as I found out that a friend and co-worker on our team has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The 3rd woman on our team to have such a diagnosis in the past couple of years.
I'm so tired of all this cancer mess!
Why can't someone find a cure???!!
Please keep her and her family in your prayers.

On to better news..
My week started out with a half of the King Cake from our Super Bowl party left over.
I brought it to work and it was devoured in a couple of short hours.
The person who got the baby charm in the cake thought it meant she was going to have a baby and freaked out.
I assured her that it only means she has to throw the next party or bring the next cake.
 Moving on to Monday night when I got together with other fellow Charlotte bloggers.
I had met them all before so it was nice to catch up again.
from LtoR.
 A little wine on a Monday is never a bad thing.
On Tuesday, I picked up this gaudy little vest that I have packed to wear on our ski vacation -- which we leave for today!!
On Tuesday and Wednesday, I got out of the office and went into the field for a production.
Always fun!
Interviewing people and learning new things.
(No, I don't use the camera - I work with a photographer)
I haven't cooked once this week except for making kale chips last night.
Instead we've snacked around and went out to eat once at Charlotte's British Pub, Big Ben.
The first time we've been there since it moved to its new location.
Brad enjoyed the fish n' chips.
And, I was semi-good ordering a salad.
Yes, those are a lot of won tons on there but I assure you I took a majority of them off because otherwise it would have just been a big bowl of won tons!
Like, I mentioned, we leave today for our Park City vacation.
We are super excited!
We're going to celebrate our 2nd wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day while we're there!
Believe it or not, it's almost 3-years ago to the day that Brad and I went on our first trip ever together to Lake Tahoe to ski.
Check out this picture.
And, look what I found last night while packing.
My lift ticket from that trip.
I immediately put into a scrapbook.
I'm sentimental like that!
So, I'll be offline until next week!
Stop by then for what I'm am sure will be pictures galore!
Happy Thursday everyone!!


  1. Y'all are going to have a blast. Totally jealous.

  2. Have fun on your trip! So sorry to hear about your co-worker!!

  3. I had the best conference call last night with Bright Pink - I feel so empowered by their speakers and literally was up all night thinking about the message - how life IS totally different - thoughts change - desires change - and no more IF's but just DO IT - and I have ALL the power - to tell who I want, how to treat it - and how to deal with dealing with passing those gene onto my children - in blessed I have the loved ones around me n and amazing boyfriend who is by my side on my worst days and the change in my body - and still thinks I'm the most beautiful girl in the world -- I'm faithful that there WILL be a cure SOON!!! We've come along way! It's gonna happen --- much love n bliss to ur friend - if she wants someone to talk to please give her my email and we can chat - I'm sure she's dizzy with emotions!!!!!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear about your co-worker - I'll be sending good thoughts her way.

    It was wonderful to see you this week - let's do it again soon!

    Have a BLAST on vacation and in that cute furry vest!

  5. Im sorry about your coworker. Love that you still have that ski pass

  6. Safe travels and have so much fun. Sorry to hear about your coworker, that is so hard.

  7. You are one busy lady all the time! Do you ever sit at home? I'm so jealous.

    Have so much fun on your vacation! You deserve it! You know I'll be looking forward to snooping through your pics when you get back!

  8. Oh. And cancer sucks azz. I HATE THAT BIATCH. <--can I say that on your blog?

  9. That cake looks fantastic.

    Enjoy every minute of your trip and take some time to relax!

  10. Happy skiing! We leave for our ski trip next week.

  11. Have a great vacation! Take good pictures so we can all be jealous! :)

  12. Thank you for picking the picture where I did not look like a giant.

    HAVE FUN this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  13. Have fun on your trip!!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  14. sad news for sure about your co-worker, i hope they have caught it in time. that king cake looks great! if i were at your super bowl i probably would have eaten the remaining half of it

  15. sad news about your co-worker, will think positively.

    hope you and brad have a blast!

  16. I LOVED Heavenly!! I have only been once though. Have fun on your ski trip and take a picture of you rocking that new vest. Sorry for your co worker :(

  17. I made kale chips last week too! Your hair is getting so long, I like it!

  18. Hope you had a great time on your trip! I loved Park City the one time I went. Such a neat little town!
