Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Thoughts(and, pictures) Thursday

Is it me or is the week just 'creeping' by?
At least we have a long weekend.
Here's my random thoughts for this Thursday along with pictures.
Don't get too excited.
* Believe it or not we have no big plans this weekend.
We're staying home and my goal is to get some shopping and cleaning done.
* Tonight is date night for Brad and I. Trying to think up something 'original' to do. Maybe visit a new restaurant or something. We run out of ideas.
* I'm loving the new season of 'Dance Moms'.  Those little girls are amazing! I love to watch them dance even though their teacher is a biatch.  I do think she's preparing them for life as a professional dancer, if that's what they choose, because from what I hear it's cut-throat.

Now for random pictures from this week.
Buddy and I watching the Tigers lose to Bama Monday night.
He was more into snoozing after the first quarter.
I made chicken divan 'lightened up', from Gina's Skinny Taste this week.
Pretty good for a low-cal version.
I've been visiting our Public Market a lot lately to buy fresh veggies.
Spotted these gorgeous sunflowers on display.
They were fake but I still thought they were amazing.
One of the things I picked up at the market this week were fresh beets.
I've heard a lot about roasting them lately so I gave it a try last night.
I scrubbed clean, cut off their top and bottom and wrapped in foil and popped in the oven.
Didn't keep them in there long enough but next time I'll know.
Dr. Oz says they're one of the best things for you!!
It's keeping with my New Year's goal of eating 'clean' foods.
We're also still eating our share of brussels sprouts, even though Brad told me yesterday that he's about tired of them.
I put them in a casserole last night so it wasn't as bad as him eating them roasted.
And, that's about all I have.
How's your Thursday?


  1. I need to get over to the public market!

    Yall should go eat mexican at the new la paz then go bowling!

  2. I do not like beets or brussel sprouts. Good for you for trying new things!

    If you are following WW be careful with Gina's site. Her points are listed as lower then they actually are.

  3. One of Sara Foster's cookbooks had a great recipe for beets...I think she drizzled them with orange juice before roasting. Beets, walnuts and goat cheese are one of life's most amazing combinations!

  4. so how were the beets? love buds sleeping!

  5. I did a Skinnytaste recipe last night, too!

  6. I love that broccoli and cheese ! Oh man that looks awesome!

    XO. Britt
    The Magnolia Pair


  7. I'm loving brussel sprouts and eating them like crazy, too! The beets will turn out better next time. Thanks for encouraging me to blog BFF! xoxo

  8. Saw this on Pinterest and thought about you, - Balsamic Brussels Sprouts.

  9. I need to find a market that is open during the winter around here. What are you shopping for this weekend...anything fun!?!

  10. Aww, I love Buddy! I also am loving Dance Moms. Abby Lee is CRAY, but I think you're right. That's probably how it is in the professional dance world. They are all so talented and I love watching all their dances at the end. However, the new girl...Kendall, I think she SUCKED.

  11. I love beets and brussel sprouts. I will often roast many and then use them throughout the week in salads. They go really well with roasted asparagus and either feta or goat cheese.


  12. I love beets. I pinned a skinnytaste recipe the other day. She's getting around. Ha! Ha!

    Buddy is so cute.

  13. I made a really yummy raw brussel sprout salad this weekend. I should send you the recipe.

  14. Don't worry Buddy - I was snoozing after the 1st quarter too :)

    I'm not a fan of beets. Wish I was, but I just can't do it.

    I'm emailing you this kale salad recipe. So good! And easy.
