Friday, January 13, 2012

Hot Toddy Recipe for Colds and Sore Throat

Just when I thought I was totally over being sick?
It's back!!!!
I am so over it.
I truly believe Brad and I have been passing this back and forth to each other.
This time it's in my chest and I'm coughing like no tomorrow.
I finally bit the bullet and went to Urgent Care today and got a Z-pack but of course, it's not instant.

I drank Thera-Flu when I got home but when I laid down to sleep the coughing started and wouldn't stop.
Brad got hung up at work so I called my Mom and she suggested the old fashioned 'hot toddy' for a remedy.
For the record:
But, was willing to try anything.
I googled a recipe and found Dr. Pat's Hot Toddy Cold Remedy.
We happened to have a mini bottle of Beam in the house leftover from football season.
I combined it with honey, lemon and water.
Popped in the microwave for a minute.
 Garnished it with a lemon slice when out.
Just read that this concoction is 206-calories.
 For the record, it wasn't terrible but far from good because I despise whiskey.
But, it seems to be helping.
My throat feels better and my cough has settled down.
(by the way - I had just got in from walking the dog in 30-degree weather which is why I have a hat on inside)
We'll see where it goes from here!
I have to get better over this long holiday weekend because I travel back to California for work next week.
What are your 'get well' remedies?
I need all the advice I can get!
Sucky Friday the 13th for me!


  1. I'm sorry but that last photo just made me giggle!

    I sent home 5 students this week with sore throats. You know what I'll be getting next week ~ ugh! I'm just hoping it's not strep!

    Feel better

  2. Get well soon. That's a terrible feeling.

  3. maybe I'll try this today. I am completely voiceless at this point. Like you, no time to be sick!

  4. So sorry to hear you are under the weather! I have the resistance of I have taught kindergarten for 21 years. Sore throats are the worst, I always put orange and lemon slices in my TervisTumbler and swear by good old vitamin C! Chin UP!

    Feel Better Soon!
    Love and Hugs,
    Mrs. Kindergarten...Madam Spoiled

  5. I think Dave and I have been passing the same thing back and forth since before Thanksgiving. The coughing is awful. He makes hot toddy's all the time. I just cannot do whiskey. I gag when I smell it. But I think we are finally feeling better.

  6. Steroids.

    I hate whiskey. I swear, it smells like Murphy's! Or, the DKE house!

  7. Aww, you're so cute. I hope you feel better soon. Getting drunk always get me through illness ;)

  8. My grandmother always swore by this any time I was sick. I hate whiskey and bourbon too though! Not sure if the hot toddy works or just gets you a little buzzed??? :) ha!

    Hope you're feeling better! This crud has been going around. Yucko.

  9. Yuck. Being sick is NO FUN. I am just now getting over being sick. Wasn't able to take any meds and it SUCKED.

  10. hope you are feeling better by now!
