Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Buddy the Grand-Dog

Don't ever doubt that our dog Buddy isn't considered part of the family.
Look what my MIL did for the 'grandkids'
Yes, even Buddy gets his own pumpkin.
She gave it to us the other day and now it's on display in the perfect place in our house.
Cute or what?
Too bad I'm not goofy enough to dress Budster up for Halloween.
We don't even dress up for Halloween!
Happy Humpday!


  1. That is so sweet! TEN's mother & my mother both refer to Louis as their "grandchild". hehehe :)

  2. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! So precious!

    My MIL calls Jolie her "granddoggy" too :)

    I just ordered Jolie's monogrammed stocking last night from Ballard to match Matt and I's - haha!

    Hugs to you and Buddy! xxxoxo

  3. Cute pumpkins! I don't do costumes at Halloween either. I will dress my kids up, but I've never liked dressing up as an adult.

  4. I love that he has his own! Precious. And, totally deserving.

  5. That is so cute! But I think you should get Buddy a Halloween costume, dogs look soooo adorable (and silly) in them, I love it!


  6. We call our dog Journey our daughter. I totally relate!

  7. Of course he is. My parents used to always say they were "Grandog sitting" when we had Ranger.
    And he definitely had a Christmas stocking, Easter treats, etc... Always. They are like children. Except easier because they don't talk back :)

  8. You guys should totally dress him up for Halloween! It'd be so cute!

  9. That's cute. Dress him up and then put him on my blog's facebook page for the costume parade. You could win a latte. :)

  10. Buddy is a Beagle, right? We have a beagle. Emma just pointed at Buddy and said "Lexi?" So cute.

    How creative are those pumpkins! So cute! Your MIL has skills!

  11. Cute! My Mom didn't leave out our dogs either. They grow pumpkins and write Jackson and Ava's names in it while they're small so they scar as they grow. Charlie and Issy got some this year too ;)
