Join Carolyn for Thoughts on Thursday!
1. Talk about a short work week! We're taking tomorrow off and heading to the beach! Myrtle Beach aka Redneck Riveria to be exact.
I've only been there once.
We chose MB because it's the closest beach to us.
Here's to a romantic weekend for the two of us!
2. I'm becoming obsessed with the Casey Anthony trial. Seriously, I sit at work with my TV on Court TV all day. How much can one person lie? Seriously?? She made up all sorts of imaginary friends.
Also, I just found out that she may have based her whole 'nanny kidnapping' story on an episode of One Tree Hill?
Then they found that she googled that episode in the weeks prior to Caylee going missing.
Anyone else obsessed?
3. We've been trying to eat better and Brad is really on board like I have never seen him. He is making the biggest effort to cut out carbs and eat more veggies and fruit. Oh.. and he's even talking about us cutting out red meat all together. I almost fell off my chair. I'm not that fond of red meat so I could do it but for him. Mr. Prime Rib. That's a SHOCKER!
4. Remember how I told you that Brad spilled gasoline in my JEEP a few weeks ago. Well, now almost 2-weeks later it STILL smells like gas. We ripped the carpet out of the back and it has aired out now but the car itself has not despite me pouring kitty litter in it and buying every air-freshner known to man. Not to mention we left it in our driveway with the windows rolled down for a week in the blazing sun.
I guess it will take time.
5. Last but not least on this Thursday that is actually my Friday.
All good things come to those who wait? I sure hope so. Like Brad always says -- 'We're EVEN Stephens' so sh-t has to work out. Right?
Tootles until next week.

Ummm ... is #5 alluding to something more??? I sure hope so!! Keep me posted. Enjoy your beach weekend. I have been trying to cut our carbs too - but can't seem to kick the beer carbs especially when it is Bud Lght Time!!
Have a fabulous time at the beach. MB is not my favorite either, but it is a beach!!! Hopefully it won't be too hot or crowded!
Enjoy your beach trip!!
Have a lovely trip!! I have never heard of this Redneck Riviera term, but me likes :)
Sorry the Jeep is still stinky. Keep those windows rolled down so that you don't pass out!
While I was in Orlando I actually missed a conference session b/c I couldn't pull myself away from the TV. I think part of what makes it so addicting is that it's like a movie. Only real. And when you leave a movie you tell yourself it could never happen in real life. Only, this did. Scary.
AWw that'll be a fun weekend for the two of you! Where are you staying? Enjoy!
working on the carbs thing and it sucks! have fun at the beach!!!!! I am not watching the trial non stop but am following the story on the news. wasn't there a trial when all this happened or was it just the investigation and they have just now found enough evidence for the mom? and wasn't grandma very protective of her daughter then? now she is against her! crazyness
It's my Friday too! Off for 5 days and I can't wait. Have fun at at the beach!
Enjoy the beach! We are actually heading up to that area this weekend too!! I hoping for supreme tanning!! I am your newest follower!
Have fun at MB!!! Enjoy!
We've been cutting out carbs at night...not really on purpose, but I've noticed it really helps my pregnancy heartburn. Maybe I should keep it up.
I can't even watch that girl lie. She makes me so sick that I want to puke every time I see her ugly face. The thought of what she did to her own child makes me want to clobber her.
Have a great time in MB! Hopefully you two will have time to cruise down the strip :)
Even Stephens = cute!
It's hard to avoid Casey Anthony in these parts. You can't get anywhere near the courthouse. And there are always helicopters hovering downtown. That girl is crazy and her lawyer is shady. I am kind of tired of looking at her.
Have fun at the beach. We are off to NYC in the morning!
Jealous! It's freezing here in South Africa. Would love to hop in the car and head down to Myrtle Beach for the weekend and bask in the sun!! Have fun. :)
Hope you guys have a fabulous weekend at the beach!!! Myrtle beach for sure brings me back to college years :-)
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