For the past two days I have been subjected to full days of Geeks and talk about HTML Code. No Joke -- probably the most boring event I have covered in all my days of TV.
Presentation after presentation - mostly by adult men who look like deers caught in headlights. I find it interesting adults that aren't comfortable presenting to live audiences. It's weird. Maybe I'm just being mean?
Anyway, the whole goal of this post is to tell you about a conversation with one of these 'Geeks' today.
Geek: Do you have kids?
Dee: No, not yet.
Geek: Really???
Dee: Well, I have only been married less than a year and half.
Geek: WOW! You got a late start!!!
Dee: Yeh, well.. I focused on my career for a long time and had met the right person.
(What I really wanted to say is --you're an a--hole and at least I'm not socially awkward!)
Really kids. Can you believe that? So rude if you ask me. And.. NO, I'm not being sensitive. It's just rude and ridiculous.

Obnoxious. I may have snapped back.
Yep, he was an a-hole. Sorry friend! Wish you could have put him in his place...
It's completely idiotic!
What an idiot!! ugh
What a d-bag!
People are so clueless about those types of things. I have an old co worker that would always ask me when we were gonna have kids(bc we waited 5 years after we were married) and I am like shut the f up! What if I can't have kids, what if we're having issues. Stupid people.
Uggghhhh totally rude!! He/She is lucky he/she wasn't slapped. SO obnoxious!! I'm sorry :(
i cannot believe someone would say that!!! Ass hole fo sho
Dumb A**! You should have snapped the socially awkward comment at him!
Um, you dont even have to ask how I feel about people like this....
Rude and socially awkward, what a winning combination. Of course you handled it with grace!
oh my word, I could go on and on and on about this topic... but I will stop and just say yes, he is an a-hole. I always think it is amazing how many people think it is THEIR business when you get married and have children... UGH!! my biggest pet peeve EVER!
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