The Royal Wedding Madness is almost over.
I admit, I originally thought about taking the day off and throwing a party but none of my friends here in town were down with taking vacation time for such a thing.
I did set my alarm to watch but when I woke up I was so tired that I couldn't find the remote control so I went back to bed. That's no lie.
I did watch it while getting ready for work this morning though and saw them riding in their carriages.
Totally cool.
I think her dress was elegant and classy and from what I've watched throughout the day(I have a TV at my desk at work), the whole event went down beautifully.
As I sit here and type this post -- the real bash is underway with Kate and Will's friends sipping on cocktails and dancing the night away.
How cool would it be to get an invite to that?
Funny story.
I posted this link on Facebook last night. It's a blog post about a local Charlottean who is personal friends with Will and Kate and traveled to London.
It wasn't 5-minutes later that I got a text message from my friend Amanda who told me that a guy we both know dates her.
Of course, I'm not personal friends with the guy but I have friends who are so I texted one of them to ask if he was going to the wedding.
They said.. YES!
Can't wait to hear the stories.
Go read that blog post. Pretty interesting. I truly think Will and Kate try and be as normal as they can be.
Also, you have to go check out I Do Declare's blog!
She had a royal watching party and ABC news came and did a story. She and friends were live on the West Coast version of GMA and I'm told she'll be on Nightly News tonight.
Cool or what? I'm sure we'll get all the deets this next week.
Now for the weekend.
Tonight we have dinner plans with Annie and her boyfriend and another blogger. Should be fun!
Tomorrow we might check out a little grill action and have some friends over.
Have a good one!

I can't wait to watch it tonight. She looks gorgeous!
Last night was so fun! Glad we all got together!
I was more interested in it than I thought I would be. Gorgeous couple!
I missed it yesterday morning but caught myself up once I was at work as well. Her dress was absolutely stunning; perfect! They really are a cute couple.
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
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