Ok -- I have a question when it comes to Facebook...
What's the big deal about people tagging you in college photos? I mean, seriously, it's fun right? I can understand if you're wasted in the photo passed out or something stupid but why untag yourself from a photo like the one above?
One of my friends said -- because I was fat there. Please......so was I but my goodness it was over 10-years ago and most of us were heavier in college because we ate Taco Bell at 2am on the way home from a bar.
Another one of my friends said -- I don't want people seeing my with curly, long hair. Get over it peeps.
The way I feel about it? I was who I was back then and I am who I am now. If people want to judge me that's pretty sad.
What do you think?

I don't think it's the college pics which are so bad, but watch out when they get hold of high school pictures. It's enough to make you want to run and find a hole to crawl in to. I cringe when I get tagged in a high school photo...but, I bear it...
And Dee, you looked great in college...so don't try to feed us that line ;-)
Vanity. That's the problem.
Some people I went to grade school with were tagging people and I was so glad they didn't tag me - i looked horrible! But as far as college - I don't care - it is kind of funny! Plus think of how good you look now and be proud of that!
As long as it is not a drunk picture I think it is all fun. But people use Facebook for different reasons. Some are friends with their boss or use it for networking to find a job. So guess it really depends on the person.
I am kind of over FB, but I get your point. It's all in fun right-besides we are not who we are today without our past!
I am so with you. That is just silly. We all look different now! And those college memories are often hilarious.
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