Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Not Bad for Having 8 Kids!

My cool cousin Alayna sent this to me yesterday. I mean seriously....

We all know she had tons of surgery done -- because it was aired on the show.

I actually watched the show last night and I am DONE with it.

Kate has become more about herself than her kids in my opinion. It's all about money...

This family is drastically different than when they first started the show.

Well, enough said! Now I'm off to eat my celery sticks! I, like my blogging friend CoCo, am working to look good in my bikini too!


starnes family said...

I think I'm the only one who doesn't think she's a royal bitch. And, I'm saying this b/c I can be one and I only have 3 kids! God help me if I had 6 Jacks at one time. Seriously.

But, yes, the show has taken a turn. Quite different now!

R G Sanders said...

I hate to admit that I've actually found myself watching that crap...and I keep wondering what happened between our grandparents generation and ours?

Big families used to be the rule of the day. Even as late as my dad's generation--he was the oldest of seven--big families were really normal. And you never heard of parents selling their souls to the media because "they didn't know how else to make it."

We're a generation--and becoming a nation--of really lightweight individuals. We need help.

The Lenzers said...

I was actually thinking of a J&K post....geez don't get me started on her! I totally agree with you. And we could all look that good with FREE surgery, teeth whitening, vacations, ect. She cares about money far more than her husband, marriage, family, kids....you name it. She should dump the show and save her family! Havent they made enough money....and for goodness sake, give jon his balls back!

Domestic Diva said...

AMEN- The Lenzers. DITTO on all you said.
There are many ways to provide an income for your family-one should not pimp the children on tv for a pay-check. Stealing a child's ability to be a child is a CRIME. That tummy is sosoos a tummy tuck!
Have a fabulous night!
xxxx me

Cove Girl said...

I couldn't agree more. I think that America would be doing the family a huge favor if they just all stopped watching it and it lost it's ratings so that TLC would take it off the air and they could get back to their lives. I don't think Kate is a bitch, but her priorities are definitely not what they once were. Jon isn't blameless, because it takes 2 in a relationship, but I think he's definitely the one seeing the big picture. He just wants his family back. Who can blame him.