Monday, April 23, 2012

Lazy Lake Weekend

My travels to Cali had me bushed!
I arrived home Friday night and Brad was sweet enough to cook dinner.
My choice.
I opted for homemade pizza and salad.
Then, we watched a little bit of TV and were both in bed sound asleep by 10pm!
Awesome Friday night after a week of travel!

I was originally scheduled to travel to Raleigh to attend a seminar to get certified to judge Miss North Carolina preliminary pageants on Saturday.
But..I just didn't feel up to it.
So, after a lazy morning, in the afternoon we decided to go to the lake.
The weather turned out nice!
 I wasn't in a swimsuit but I was in a sundress.
 FIL even took our jet ski out for a spin!!
 I still can't believe we were hanging out in sundresses and swimsuits on Saturday and today I had to break my winter coat and scarf back out!
What is up with this cool spurt?
 After time on the water Brad's parents treated us to dinner and a show at their local theatre.
Not the best show I've ever seen!
But it was fun to get out of the house.

On Sunday we headed home.
The weather had turned off cool and rainy and was gross!
We did manage to venture over to BIL and SIL's house where our niece Paige couldn't wait to show me the new furniture for her room.
 She's really getting to be a big girl!!
So, how was your weekend?
Is it cold again where you live??


  1. Theater and dinner sounds fun, regardless of the talent. Great escape!

  2. Yes cold and rainy. I was in sun drresses and now back in tights and cardigans. bla. We did clean up the wood stove and took down the safety gate, so we BETTER not need to start another fire this season!

  3. Oh I love the lake! We went up to our lake for a short time on Sunday but it was colder than crap and windy. I can't wait for lazy summer lake days!

  4. Look at sweet Paige's big girl room! I bet you are the best aunt ever.

  5. Looks like a wonderful weekend! My Fridays look like that even after a normal week ;)

    Paige is getting big! Love her room decor.

  6. Sounds so much fun! I can't wait until I can put on my bathing suit (or even a sundress) to wear outside all day! And the jet ski's look so much fun! The beach is calling my name right now... just waiting for some warmer weather!


  7. And I so missed you coming here.

    I love your necklace, too. It's cold here, and I can't stand it. I don't mind cold, but don't like it when we've had warm, warm, and warm then all the sudden cold. I like cold when it's supposed to stay cold.

  8. Looks like fun! We desperately need to get furniture for Sophia's room. No it isn't cold here - was 100 this weekend! Ugh!

  9. We just missed you. We leave for Cali in 8 days. DANG IT!

    It's been a little chilly here. Today is back in the 80's which is where I like it! But the lake pics look great. It makes me want summer here asap!

    Very pretty necklace!

  10. Yes, cold again here, too. Hate that! Spring is such a LEAST favorite season! It's such a tease! haha

  11. Love the necklace you are wearing. Gorgeous! And I'm jealous of your sunny day on the water. I'm dying for some beach days.

  12. STILL cold and rainy in the heart of NC. I am ready for some time on the water, though. Looks like lots of fun. Here's to 79 on Saturday!
