Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend - Pinehurst and Easter Lunch Tablescape

As I mentioned in yesterday's post we traveled to my parents house for the Easter holiday weekend.

They moved to Eastern NC just over a year ago and live about 40-minutes from the city of Pinehurst.
So, on Saturday while all the guys were playing golf on my parents club course, we ladies headed to PH for a little lunching and shopping.
This was every one's first visit except for my Mom's so we stopped by the Pinehurst Resort to see what it is all about.
 It reminds me a lot of the Jekyll Island Club down in Southern Georgia if any of you are familiar with it.
 Super Southern!
I wasn't embarrassed to ask the first person we saw to get a group picture of us in front of the hotel.
 The place was decked out with Easter decor and they were even having festivities on the lawn for families.
 My MIL, being a puzzle lover, couldn't resist checking out the one they had on display inside.
 And, being that it was a lovely day there was a wedding taking place at the Resort.
 Bagpipes and all.
 Everything is so charming especially their porches and dozens of rocking chairs.
 We grabbed a drink and relaxed for a minute or two.
 Such a fun ladies day trip and so much fun doing it with both my MIL and Mother!
 And, my brother's girlfriend Tiffany.
 Next we headed to the Village to shop around and have lunch.
This area was cute and charming as well with flowers in full bloom. 
 It didn't take us long to choose Theos Taverna for lunch once we saw their cute courtyard from a distance.
 I'm a sucker for these types of restaurants because I love being outside and I love ambiance.
We enjoyed an amazing lunch here.
I would suggest trying it out if in the area.
 After lunch we shopped some more, posed with the Easter bunny and then headed home.
 Speaking of the Easter bunny...
The next morning he paid Buddy a visit and stocked him full of new toys and treats!
I helped Mom reset the table for Easter lunch and even made the cupcakes in advance for each place setting.
 There's a rabbit theme going on with each person getting a chocolate bunny.
Our meal consisted of ham, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs, salad, bread and cupcakes with ice cream!
 And, before we headed back to Charlotte we paused to take a few family pictures.

The Wallace side of the family minus my brother's 3-kids.
 The Stephens side of the family minus my BIL and SIL and their 2-kids.
 What a fantastic weekend and we can't wait to do it again!!!


  1. You always do such a good job of getting photos together. I realized that I didn't get a group family shot on Sunday, and was irritated. I got one of the grandma with the kids, but none of the four of us.

    Your lunch place looked fabulous. Pinehurst and Southern Pines are cute places. It's been awhile since I've been there.

  2. I grew up there!! Glad you liked it!!

  3. Beautiful!! Looks like a perfect weekend!

  4. Your girls' day looks perfect!! I love your mom's coat, too!

  5. oh goodness, so very beautiful!!!
    and what a perfect wedding location!
    xo TJ

  6. That resort looks like a place I would love!

  7. What a beautiful resort. The tables cape was soo pretty and creative. I just love pictures of buddy!

  8. What a lovely weekend! Pinehurst looks beautiful. I love the south and am so glad that I now get to call it home. You did great with your tablescape.

  9. What a great time! That's so nice that you can hang with your mother and MILand have a great time!

  10. Beautiful place for a wedding! Love your boots with your dress too!

  11. These photos are great! I'm new here... browsing around and decided to comment instead of lurk. :) I LOVE the look and feel of your blog so far- off to check out some more! Happy week, sugar! xo

  12. Looks like a great time!! I want one of your cupcakes, now. :)

  13. Easter just makes me happy- looks like the same is true for you!
