Friday, March 16, 2012

The Difference Drapes Can Make

This post is proof that if you're patient you will finally get what you want.

We FINALLY have drapes in our living room!
I have been wanting them for 2 and 1/2 years now but Brad has never been keen on spending the money on them.
Well, after I was able to get our money back on another house project he finally agreed to fork over the cash.
I've know for quite a while what style, color and how I wanted them to look.
Because we have a patterned rug in our living room I wasn't big on a print, instead just a solid color.
Avocado Green.
I also knew I wanted them to go all the way to the ceiling.
It makes your room look bigger and more grand.
After much research I found that the most affordable bet was to order custom from JC Penney.
We measured our ceilings and they're 9-foot so we went with 108 length.
Just so you know, most drapes in the store only come in 84 but you could get lucky and find 96-inch length.
So, when they came in I ironed and got them ready.
 We bought the hardware from Lowe's.
I'm not big on pole drapes so we bought the rings and clips to make them look more elegant.
 Then, we figured out exactly where we wanted them to hang.
 Just to give you an idea of what the room looked like before.
(Sorry, some of these pictures are IPhone and some are real camera.)
As you can see, the room is bare in my opinion.
 And, the after.
I think it's sorta dramatic!
Transformed the room!
 Brad and I are both very pleased with how it turned out.
 I made Brad admit that I was right all along in demanding drapes and wanting to hang them all the way to the ceiling.
 I love when I'm right!
I love these drapes and the whole project came under budget!
For 3 windows with hardware it was around $450.
 Not too bad.
I think they are pretty classic too, so when we eventually move they will work in our next home.
Maybe not in the living room but one of our rooms.
You might have noticed that we cut down that little table with our cable box on it near the corner as well.
 Overall, I like it!
I just wish we had done it sooner!!


  1. Looks awesome - we have needed drapes for the 8 years we have lived in our hose but our ceilings are super high and I don't know what to put in here - come visit and give me some tips!

  2. JC Penny has great drapes...that's where we got our drapes for Blake's nursery. They are also priced right. You living room looks awesome!

  3. Wow! They look fantastic!! Great job.

  4. Wow looks fabulous. It makes it a lot more homey!

  5. I was going to write exactly what Annie much more homey!

  6. Wow, it really does warm up the room, doesn't it. We need to do something with our bedroom. We have blinds, but after seeing this, I know we need to take an extra step.

  7. Way to go bargain shopper!! (I paid that much for a single window...shh, don't tell my hubs!)

    : )

  8. Very pretty. Really made a huge difference!

  9. I LOVE it!! It looks wonderful.

  10. These look fantastic!! I really need to get some drapes in my home! We lived in our last house for almost five years and I never got around to it. I am determined not to miss out again! I really does make a difference!

  11. Why is it so hard to buy curtains?? I'm the same way. John Robert is almost 9 months old and the poor kid still has no curtains in his room. WTH??

    Yours look great! Love the way you did them all the way to the ceiling. Make such a difference in the room!

  12. YES, They definitely help a room!!
    IM sure Andrew didn't want to spend the money as well. I should have gone to Lowes for a rod. I don't really like the one I got but they had very few options at Target- I was in such a rush to get them up! ha.
