Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day at Home

If you aren't a close friend or family member you probably don't know one thing.
Upon getting married Brad was totally against us registering for china.
He felt it was a big waste of money and we would never use it.
Well, let me tell you.
I have been on a mission ever since to prove him wrong!
Which is why we eat off of it every chance we get including a simple Valentine's Day dinner at home.

Brad was glad that I put out a name card so he could figure out where to sit.
 In my defense, I already had them made and just pulled them out for looks.
 On the menu?
An asparagus and artichoke salad.
I made this last Easter and loved it.
Found it in the paper.
It's just artichoke hearts and asparagus tossed with a tbs of Dijon mustard, balsamic, olive oil, lemon juice and pepper.
You sprinkle with feta.
 For the main course?
A lightened up version of Outback's Alice Springs chicken.
 It was delish!
 Since we just got back from our trip Brad and I only exchanged cards.
But, my MIL gave us something.
Buddy knew there was something for him in it too.
 He's no dummy.
His Grammy is always thinking of him.
 Simple milk bones but oh, so thoughtful!
 For us?
A strawberry growing kit.
I told Brad it was his project for the weekend.
 And, there you have it!
Valentine's Day 2012!


  1. Looks like a fabulous Valentine's Day. Let me know how your Strawberry Grower works. I have been putting off getting one for years because I didn't know if they were actually good. xo

  2. The name cards, ahah! Maybe you thought about inviting someone just never know.

  3. Looks like a relaxing Valentines Day. I love how you set up the table. Brian and I did the same thing. We just stayed in, cooked a nice meal together, and relaxed. I prefer it that way.

    Happy Wednesday!


  4. I love it that you are proving him wrong on the china. I say use it every Sat or Sun for breakfast! What a Sweet gift from your Mother in Law!

  5. Love it - that salad looks fabulous. I have some asparagus in my fridge - I am going to try it out.

  6. Well done!!! I love Buddy's Valentine!

  7. I WAS young and dumb when I got married and didnt think we neede china- BIG REGRET!! NOw, I will have to buy it for myself one day :) I love your name cards for just the two of you :)

  8. That looks like a fun Valentine's Day! We had dinner at home too but we went out Monday night.

  9. Sounds like the perfect Valentines. You crack me up with your name cards. I can hear him saying something about now I know where to sit!

  10. I love your china! What pattern is it? Mr. Potts & I didn't register for it (we have no room) & eventually I know I'll want some. Probably when we're moved into a house.

    Glad you had a great day & your trip recap was wonderful!!

  11. You have such a great flair for presentation! I love the way you make events into such special occasions.

  12. Yum! That looks amazing! Okay....I bought the strawberry growing thing last year. I suck. They never did anything. I'm sure you'll have tons!

  13. We stayed in last night too after being gone all weekend. But we were too lazy to cook and ordered take out. I am not a fan of going out to dinner on Valentines Day. I'd rather be home and comfy on the couch!

  14. Love that you use your china.

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  15. The perfect Valentine's!
    Your dinner sounds amazing and the china is a beautiful touch! :)

