Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winery Visit, Boat Ride -Fun Family Weekend

Christmas was the last time we saw any of Brad's side of the family, including our niece and nephew, so this weekend we made plans to do just that.
It started out Friday night with us going out to BIL and SIL's house for dinner.
We brought the munchkins Valentine's Day cookies.
 After dinner I enjoyed a few snuggles with Paige and Buddy.
 Getting a little bit goofy!
 Ice cream sandwiches that Buddy wanted a bite of badly.
 Then on Saturday we woke and after a few errands we headed North to the Salisbury/Lexington area where Brad's parents live.
Since the weather was so nice we decided on lunch at nearby Childress Winery.
If you live in NC and have never been you should plan a visit.
Super nice.
We go several times every year since it's so close to the lake house.
 Cheese board.
What's new.
 Our view was the vineyard which isn't the prettiest in Winter.
 Couldn't find the back light setting on my camera.
You get the idea.
 I picked up a few bottles to have for our upcoming Super Bowl party.
Stay tuned for that!
I'm doing a Mardi Gras theme!
A few pictures in the vineyard..
After lunch our next stop was a nature preserve that my FIL was eager for us to see.
The owner of grocery chain Food Lion's property.
Total craziness.
And, Elk!
Other animals too that I wasn't able to capture with my camera.
I wish I had that kind of money to spend.
The weather was in the mid-sixties so when we got back to the house we decided to go for a little pontoon ride.
Not too bad but we didn't stay out too long because the sun started going down and it cooled off quick!
Which resulted in us building a fire to warm up.
Perfect end to a perfect fun-filled weekend with family.
Now we're enjoying our Sunday.
I'm having a dinner tonight with a friend I haven't seen in a couple of years.
Happy Sunday!


  1. I have never been to a Vineyard! I must go this year. I really don't have an excuse, my sister lives about a mile from a ton!

  2. Nothing better than a day spent at a winery! Looks like you had a fabulous trip!

  3. I'll have to go there sometime. I have never been. Life is wonderful with kids, but also complicated. You are a fabulous aunt.

  4. I opened a bottle of the wine we got at the Williamburg Winery this weekend. I only have one left...time for another winery visit!

  5. That last picture is precious - Buddy and your FIL!! Sounds like a fub weekend.

  6. I havnet been to a vineyard since NZ- we went to a lot there. Wine and cheese= FAVORITE THINGS!

  7. Adding that winery to my 'must do' NC list!

  8. Aww...Buddy is so cute! We have a winery but no vineyard. Boo. But their wine is amazing.

    I can't wait to see how you decorate for the Super Bowl Party! I know you'll go all out. We'll be home with one friend over. I will NOT be going all out. HA!

    I hope your dinner was great!

  9. FUN! I want to go there! I miss the Carolinas! Our weather is perfect today, but I have just really wanted to get 'back up north' lately. :) You look great, glad to see all are well.

  10. I always think of the fun time we had a Childress years ago...and the red hat society! Those ladies crack me up! Who knows...that maybe us in 30 years! haha

  11. I noticed that mini-Brad aka Reese :) already had a bite taken out of his Valentine cookie. ha! Such cuties!!

    I'm so jealous of all the wineries around you. Love that! And the boat ride sounds fabulous. Glad y'all made a trip to the lake!
    We finally got some rain last week and it brought our lake up about 8-9 ft. WOOHOO!!!

  12. Fun weekend. I took my niece and nephew some vday goodies too. A little early, but otherwise it wouldn't have happened.

    How is buddy's back?
