Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Progressive Dinner

We had our first progressive dinner with friends in the neighborhood last night.
Believe it or not the husbands planned the whole thing and did the cooking.
I love events like this I just think it is great that the men organized it all!
Our first stop of the night was just a few houses down at Bryan and Shannan's where they went all out.
Their basement is an entertainment area so they had us all down there where they have beer on tap and did cosmos.
The food was mushrooms stuffed with veal.
My favorite: bacon wrapped scallops with a sprig of rosemary.
French bread with caramelized onions and anchovies.
Our gracious host Bryan mixing cocktails!
The wives.
Shannan, Me and LeAne.
Hubby and neighbor Keith.
These two might as well be brothers.
Redic how much they are alike.
The 2nd stop of the night was our house for the main course.
My last minute table scape.
It was raining all day and I originally thought hydrangeas but it's not Spring quite yet.
Brad made lasagna but put it in a temp baking dish in order for it to be thicker.
I made salad and we had french bread too.
So fun!
Our next stop was Keith and LeAne's for dessert.
Keith made creme brulee from scratch.
And, LeAne did a table scape too!
And, they served dessert wine!
The whole gang again.
I'm already thinking of how we can do this once a month.
With next month's weekend falling on Mardi Gras weekend so I can attempt a king cake!
All of our dogs participated in the dinner too.
And, Keith was our dog 'whisperer'.
Have you guys ever done a dinner like this?
Tons of fun!


  1. that sounds like so much fun! I cannot wait to live in a neighborhood and do fun things like that!

  2. What a fantastic idea! All the food looks so yummy!

  3. HOW fun! We did something like this in our old neighborhood and I miss it! Looks like a very fun night!

  4. We did that at our old neighborhood. There is nothing like having great neighbors!

  5. Omg! What an awesome idea. I'm sitting here drooling over all of that delish food! And brûlée from SCRATCH?!?! SHUT THE FRONT DOOR! It's my absolute favorite dessert (right behind slightly undercooked brownies). The tables are always so fancy over there! Wish I was your neighbor.

  6. such a great idea! Wish I knew my neighbors more!

  7. This is an amazing idea!! I love it and it all looks so delish!!

  8. I've never done a dinner like this. Sadly, our little grad school apartment couldn't hold more than 2 others at the table.

  9. This looks like SO fun! I wish we had friends in our neighborhood like this - I'd love to do it!

  10. Looks awesome - never done it before but would love to!

  11. That looks like SO MUCH FUN! And, also, my mouth is watering for all that great food! How awesome that the guys did all the cooking. What a treat! Love that the doggies were included too :)

  12. What a fun idea!!! We used to have a supper club when we first got married with several other couples, but it only lasted about 6 months. The progressive is the way to go, then no one is stuck with ALL the work. So fun! Love it.

  13. How fun! That's great that you made some friends in your neighborhood!

  14. What a fabulous group of neighbors. I'm sure you have a great time together. I'm a little jealous. We did not buy well when we bought our house. We bought for the house, and we should have waited. All the kids in neighborhood are in high school, all older than us, and really don't have a lot in common. Oh well.

    My goal is to get to the post office to mail your prize tomorrow.


  15. wow. that all looks so amazing. kudos to the guys for being so awesome.


  16. so cute that the guys organized it!

  17. i wish i had friends like that! you guys are awesome

  18. Fun! I've always wanted to do one of those. But we only like a few of our neighbors ;)

    That lasagna looks soooo good!

  19. Thanks for stopping by my blog and suggesting that I check out the entry on your progressive dinner. Great ideas for the one we're planning. Everything looked amazing! And cheers to the hubbies for taking the lead in planning it!
