No eggs, cheese, milk, butter. Nothing even made with any of those ingredients. That means – no bread unless you find that brown rice bread in a store near you – a lot of salad dressings are even made with eggs.
It’s not just giving up chicken, fish, pork and beef. It’s a TOTAL lifestyle change.
I know this not just from what I’ve read and heard but by seeing it first-hand. My 18-year old niece turned vegan about a year and half ago and her decision came from her beliefs about animal cruelty. She’s a die-hard animal rights girl who won’t even wear or use makeup, perfumes, hair products tested on animals. As she might say - she doesn't eat puppies or kitties.
Because of her strong beliefs she has no problems sticking to this lifestyle –and get this – since she switched to this diet she has lost 100-pounds!
I don’t have the most recent photo of her but you would be AMAZED. I'll do a follow up post so you can see.

Going back to the vegan trend though – I watched the documentary, Food Inc. a couple of weekends ago and almost got sick during the chicken portion.
I thought for a minute that I might quit eating chicken all together. Vegetarian lifestyle actually crossed my mind for a few hours. I’m just not sure I could do it. I think I would eat my weight in cheese and dairy then gain 50-pounds.

As for my West coast friend who tried vegan? I haven’t talked to her recently but I do know her and hubby tried it for a week and then decided to splurge on Valentine’s Day at a fancy Vegas restaurant and they both got sick.sick.sick.(BTW-Cat -- if you're reading this call me!)
What are your thoughts on vegan or vegetarian lifestyles? Have you tried it? Considered? Stories?

Food Inc. is so disturbing, isn't it??? I don't think I could give up meat entirely, but I did change the way I shop after watching Food, Inc. for sure!
I think it's completely admirable.
Haven't watched or read Food Inc. Scared to. That sounds stupid, but I have heard it's shocking.
Hmmm, I could go vegeterian. I do not eat meat all that much as it is, but I do enjoy a cheeseburger every now and then. If I "had" to do it though, I do not think it would be a problem. My mom became one several years ago (due to animal rights too) and said it was pretty easy. I could not go vegan though...queso is one of my food groups...must have it!
Not a fan of the vegan lifestyle. I think there are too many "good things" in meat and dairy that provide stuff we need (super technical explanation huh?) to stay healthy. Especially for women and protein. I am not a fan of tofu and other stuff like that so I could never do it. Kudos to those who do it though, just not for me. I have been in a meat packing plant and I have seen first hand what rules and regulations they have to follow. I have heard chicken plants are more disgusting though. It is hard with a family too because my children need the meat and dairy ... and Mr. ESPN could never give that stuff up. Dee what would you eat with your wine if you couldn't eat cheese???
I've tried a lot of different lifestyle eating habits. Currently I'm eating mostly Paleo/Primal. Lots of meat, but paying attention to where it comes from, how it's raised, what's in it. Grass fed, free range. Cost a little bit more but tastes better and we just don't buy lbs and lbs of it. I haven't bought meat from a large grocer in over a year. I've never felt better as I do without grains and dairy. Of course I seem to be off the wagon quite a bit lately :)
I do still get sad sometimes that its a living breathing creature and consider going vegetarian. But with a gluten free/ dairy sensitive Husband it's the best lifestyle for us.
Also...totally turned off by soy these days because of GMO's. Need to do a little more research but food for thought!
I think it's great for people to have options. I don't think I want to see Food, Inc. I'd rather not know =). I am just trying to find a balance between all food groups, but would love to get more creative with fruits and vegtables!
When I saw the title to this post I almost picked up the phone to say "areyoufreakingkiddingme?"
I think that being Vegan is just fine. For some people. I think that animals are still going to die, and if you choose to not eat them it's your loss. Is that terrible? Not that I condone the mistreatment of some of these animals. Because I do know that some of them are in terrible conditions. But it's still gonna happen if I start eating tofu. You know?
I'm much more likely to go Vegan as result of this 100lb weight loss situation.
I love me some meat and cheese! I did go vegetarian for a while in high school, not really on purpose but we had been to FL on a trip and ate so much fast food that I stopped eating meat and before I knew it over a year had gone by. I don't eat tons of meat now, but lots of fish. Again, not really on purpose but it's expensive and time consuming to cook.
No thank you. Sounds like hell. More power to people who are able to pull it off. I am cutting our red meant and not eating any meat 2 days a week and that is torture.
If others want to be vegan then good for them but I would never ever do it. I don't get it. I am against animal cruelty but you have to draw the line somewhere. I will never understand why people think humans and animals should be treated equally. That is just crazy talk. I like meat and I am not crazy about vegetables. But I know the whole vegan things does wonders for your health. Altough there are many other things that also do wonders for your health.
I just read an article about this. I don't think I could do this. Ever. I love eggs, I love chicken (especially when stuffed with goat cheese & bacon!) & beef & dairy...
The list just goes on!
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