Monday, March 21, 2011

First Lake Weekend of 2011!

Happy Spring! Today's the first full day of it and I have the fever!

Remember this picture?
They drained the lake that my in-laws live on a few months ago and this is what it looked like.
They did it for some energy related reason.

Well, now look at it!

Giving that the water was up and it was 80-degrees we cleaned the pontoon boat and went for our first boat ride of 2011! AWESOME!

It wasn't quite warm enough to get in our swimsuits and cruise around but it still felt good!
Buddy loves to pontoon!

When packing up for our lake weekend I remembered the Virginia Tech sunhat my MIL got him for Christmas.
He actually didn't mind it!

I think the reason it doesn't bother him is that it has slots for his ears. Cute or what?

When we got back to the house my MIL was excited to see the ducks wanting to be fed. If you've been reading this blog long at all you know she's obsessed with these ducks.

While up at the lake house we also got to see where an addition is getting ready to be built. That will mean a bigger kitchen and a sitting room.
I can't wait to show you all pictures of the before and after! Stay tuned...

And...Buddy got to sport his new name tag I got for him to wear when at the lake. It's blurry but I didn't really want to post the address on the worldwide web for everyone to see.
Typically when Buddy is up there for long periods of time my MIL sticks an address label for an envelope on him in case he wanders off. Now she won't have to do this anymore.
Thanks to T from DSS for the pointing me towards the Etsy store where I bought it. Check out her post here.

Aside from ducks, my MIL is also obsessed with garden flags. She said her goal is have one for every season.
She's pretty close. She even had a Mardi Gras flag up and they aren't from Louisiana! LOVE.THIS!

Speaking of obsessions -- Budster has one for squirrels. Here is he eyeing one in a tree.

While he did that - we enjoyed cocktails and Brad cooked us a dinner of kabobs! In my book - kabobs on the grill = Spring/Summer is here!

And.. the night wrapped up with a late night snack of peanut butter and crackers for FIL and Buddy.

What a spoiled dog!

We can't wait for more fun lake weekends to come!
Yesterday we went for a walk, ran errands, did laundry and watched a movie on DVD.
How was your weekend?


  1. So excited for lake season!!! One of my favorite things. Although I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy getting bounced around in a boat this summer with my big belly. Hmmmm.... :)
    Glad y'all had a great weekend!! Love the PB and crackers pic with Buddy. Hilarious. He's not spoiled at all.

  2. Sounds like yall had a fun weekend! It was beautiful and perfect for a ride on the water!

  3. Fun weekend! I'm so excited for the spring weather. I too have the fever :)

    Our weekend was not so fun. Baby girl has the flu and has been a HAND FULL! :(

  4. There's nothing like a great and relaxing lake weekend. How exciting for a new kitchen/sitting room at the house!

  5. Love the picture of Buddy and your FIL sharing there evening snack!!

  6. That hat is great and so is the nametag!!! I'm laughing! I want to be on a lake so bad, maybe one day. We hung out back most of the weekend

  7. Looks like so much fun! (as I stare out the window looking at the rain)

  8. Those evil little squirrels...they are always tormenting cats and dogs!! Looks like a fun weekend. I am loving the warm weather. We crossed over to hot weather here in Florida this weekend. I actually got a little sunburned.

  9. LOVE the hat on Buddy. So cute.

    Enjoy the water and the beautiful scenery!

  10. Looks like y'all had a blast! I love Spring too, although it's already super warm here!

    Hope you have a great week!



  11. 80 degrees?!?! I'm so jealous. Buddy is such a lucky dog. Ducks, squirrls, his own hat. My dogs would be in heaven.

  12. YOur weekend sounds SO fabulous!! Our problem is TOO MUCH water not too little.. usually the dock at my folks place is covered until LATE JUNE! Egads!!!! Love that dog tag, I saw that over at DSS too but am still deciding on which $20+ tags to buy my dogs. Spoiled much? ha.
