Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Pumpkin Dip

Remember all these little pumpkins I used for place card holders at Thanksgiving? Well, they're still good. I put them in a bag and placed them in the garage because it's cool down there.

I hate wasting stuff so I've been wondering what to do with them? Well, now I know!

A co-worker suggested roasting all the little pumpkins and freezing it for later and/or make her pumpkin dip!

She brought some to work yesterday and it was delish with fruit and gingersnaps! I know she won't mind me sharing her recipe so here it goes!
Pumpkin Dip
1 can(2 cups)pumpkin
1 8ox. pkg cream cheese(softened)
2 cups confectioners sugar
1tsp cinnamon
1/2tsp nutmeg
(other spices to taste if uncanned pumpkin such as pumpkin pie spice)
Combine all ingredients in a food processor and blend!
Of course I won't be doing this until we get back from our trip because I couldn't imagine eating all that dip in two days!!


  1. You are so thrifty :)
    My aunt makes a pumpkin dip that we eat with gingersnaps. So good.

  2. Looks tasty! Is it sweet sweet????

  3. Pumpkin dip?! Genius. I don't know if they'll last all year so you'll have to do something. And I have no ideas for you... ;)

  4. I love it! Well done, Dee. Good recycling.

  5. My MIL made this dip for Thanksgiving and it was really good. Especially with the ginger snaps! I'd never had pumpkin dip before. Good thinking!!

  6. I have a pumpkin cheesecake ball recipe that is similar, however, you mix it together, roll in a ball and refridge until set. So good with graham cracker sticks.

  7. What a fantastic idea! You are much better than me, I would have tossed-err composted-those suckers!
